Shane Mayer, Head of Partnerships – Our son was only two when we moved here. Of course, it was harder and scarier to move with a kid, since they are your number one concern, and any move comes with some uncertainty.
We were quickly blown away by how kid-friendly Germany/Berlin is and felt immediately sure we made the right choice. It’s the little things, like clean, decorated rooms for changing your baby. It’s also the big things, like the child tax benefit, “kindergeld,” which pays out monthly to help parents cover the cost of child care.
How to find a “KiTa,” kindergarten, in Berlin?
Malachi Soord, Senior Software Engineer – Finding a KiTa in Berlin is hard as there is a KiTa shortage and places are in high demand. Be persistent and leverage technology to help with the application process. We leveraged a mail merge approach, sending a personalized email with a photo and could track open and reply rates to follow up with the ones that were not responsive.
In the end, we were placed on lots of waiting lists and eventually got offers from three KiTas around six months after we originally started looking. For anyone coming from abroad with a family that needs immediate daycare, it should be taken into consideration that this is not straight forward.
Shane – Finding childcare is a high priority concern and it’s truly incredible that Berlin promises free, high-quality daycare to all children. Of course, it can take time to get a spot. Luckily we made friends at GetYourGuide and were able to get some support. One colleague’s partner was able to babysit our son while we were looking for a KiTa position. This was a win-win, since they were also new to the city and happy to have short-term work. This is the type of benefit of arriving into the GetYourGuide network. It’s easy to build community simply be talking to your colleagues or posting a message in Slack for whatever you might need.
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